A.D.D. WareHouse Online Catalog - products for Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities
Attention Deficit Disorder - a page for parents by a parent
Attention Deficit Disorder/ ADHD - important information regarding side effects of common medications
Attention Deficit Disorder WWW Archive - articles on ADD
CH.A.D.D. - Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders
Disability Resources - comprehensive guide to resources on the internet
Glaxo Neurological Centre - "Supporting people with Neurological disorders and their families" (a UK site)
Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette Syndrome - produced by the Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.
the Healthy Living Channel - news and information on a healthful lifestyle
Hope Press - special interest books
Intellectual Disability Network - Intellectual Disability Information Service
JHMI-InfoNet: Patient Advocacy Groups - list of phone numbers and links to various helping organizations
Massachusetts Chapter of the Tourette Syndrome Association
Mental Health Booklets - put out by Internet Mental Health
Movement Disorders Menu - articles on various movement disorders
Nervous System Diseases - from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden
NINDS - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder information site
the Option Institute: the Son-Rise Program ® - alternative methods for helping special-needs children
Pediatric Database (PEDBASE) Homepage - information on various pediatric disorders [server may be down temporarily]
PEDINFO Home Page - Pediatric Web Server
Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet - links to information resources
the Response of an Adult Tourette Patient to Life Upper Cervical Adjustments - a Case Study by Dr. Nicolina Trotta of Life College [server may be down temporarily]
Reward Deficiency Syndrome - an article from American Scientist
Ritalin (Methylphenidate) - information about Ritalin
School Psychology Resources Online - information on problems of school-age children
Southern California Chapter of the Tourette Syndrome Association
Special Education Archive - articles from California Education Law
Stuttering Home Page - information about stuttering
Tic Disorders - information from the University of Michigan School of Medicine
Tourette Syndrome Association - The Virtual Hospital, sponsored by the University of Iowa Division of Psychiatry
Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia - Neuropsychiatric Institute at Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney, Australia [server may be down temporarily]
Tourette Syndrome Information Site - located in Nova Scotia
Tourette's on the Net - annotated list of other Tourette Syndrome resources on the Internet [server may be down temporarily]
Vanderbilt General Clinical Research Center Home Page - GCRC Rare Disorder Network Database
Welcome to the Tourette Syndrome Home Page - an explanation of Tourette Syndrome
Why to Avoid Ritalin - important cautions regarding the use of Ritalin